Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Calendar Contest

In the UO Department of Geological Sciences we have a little fundraiser for some fun of our own.  The students put together a calendar of photos taken by members of the department.  Tomorrow night there will be a voting party where we pick our 12 favorites for the calendar.  The categories are Oregon, Geology and general scenery/landscape.  These are my three submissions:

 "Geology":  Bryce Canyon National Park in March

 "Oregon":  Smith Rock State Park in May
"Scenery/Badassery":  Horseshoe Bend in March

Calendars with the winning photos will be for sale this holiday season!


  1. Great lighting on the Bryce and Horseshoe Bend pics.

  2. Wow Katie, those are for real photos. Gorgeous!

  3. Katie, which picture made it into the calendar?
