Sunday, June 23, 2013

Outer Space

I went to Seattle at the beginning of June to see some friends, and get some climbing in.   It went a lot like the last time I visited: Stay up all night, play all day.  On Saturday Rip overcame the adversity of his gimpy back and we went to Index for a few pitches. 

Roger's Corner.

Index in some really great clouds.


I spent most of Sunday unconscious on Rip's couch after an eventful night at "geoprom."  Sunday night, Peter returned from Rainier, surprised to find me still in town and I hurried him away to Leavenworth.  Leavenworth is a special place for us, the summer we began our awkward courtship, we spent many, many weekends climbing there.  I'd been jonesing for a long beautiful multi pitch climb after a spring of cragging at Smith.  We decided on Outer Space (5.9) on the Snow Creek Wall.  When we showed up in the parking lot on Monday morning, we were surprised to find Todd, Peter's good friend there to climb the same route! 

Outer Space was pitch after pitch of fantastically fun granite slab and crack climbing.  We had leisurely breaks on belay ledges, as our lazy start that morning put us behind a pretty slow party.  I was especially stoked that we legitimately swung pitches the whole way.

Pitch 3



Hanging out on a generous ledge.

Epic Chickenheads!

Library Ledge

Pitch 7, had a great burly exposed first move!

At the top.

Obligatory Enchantment's goats.
We made it back to Seattle around midnight and by 7am the next day I was wearily driving back to Eugene for the last week of the quarter.

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